Monday, March 30, 2020

Heal the World (Cover) by CTC

These quarantine days helped us take a step back, see the world with much light, and realize how big we can become. (wink emoji)

Amidst the COVID crisis, we find time to be together,joining hands to help heal the world.

From all of us at the Creative Thespians of Cebu, may you embrace positivity today moving forward, and know that better days are coming.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Make Your Own Face Mask | DIY

There are a lot of opinions going around as to what kind of mask is effective enough to protect us from the dreaded virus. 

I'm not going to get into that.

I would like to, however, share a short video on how to make your DIY Mask in case you don't have a real mask. I cannot say that this mask is effective and stuff, but it is still a mask, and it can still help protect you even for a tiny bit.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Today is Thursday, and the first (of two) day of my reporting to the office. Monday to Wednesday, I worked from home. Effect of the General Community Quarantine that we're having now because of this virus. Tomorrow, the entire Province of Cebu will be in Enhanced Community Quarantine, a "milder" lock down. Us? Since technically, Cebu City is not part of Cebu Province as a Chartered City, so we will wait for our Mayor's announcement anytime today so we'll know if we are still going to work tomorrow.

For those who are working from home, here are a few tips on how to be somewhat successful in it.

And since we're talking about quarantine, here's a short instructional video on how to make your homemade face mask - albeit temporary. 


Saturday, March 7, 2020

My TICKETS Collection!

Around 5 months ago, I made a vlog about my collection of tickets through the years - from plays, musicals, to concerts. I was planning to do a vlog showing my Playbill collection, but I wasn't able to do that yet.

Anyways, here are the tickets I've collected through the years.

P. S. Since I've started posting videos on my YouTube channel not too long ago, I might as well share those videos here in my blog, so expect more blog entries containing my YT videos coming.

Friday, March 6, 2020

CTC Turns 15 Years Old

The little theatre family that my soul sister, Gayle, and I started a long time ago just turned 15 years old. Yes, it seems like yesterday when we were at the lobby of Marriott Hotel talking about it, then the talks became plans, and the plans slowly became a reality.

For the past few years, we've celebrated our anniversary with Mini-Concerts-for-a-Cause.
This year, God-willing, we will celebrate it by mounting an original play (based on the life of Joseph in the Bible's Old Testament). Crossing my fingers that this will become a reality soonest.

And let me also share this weird feeling that because this is my passion project, something I've worked hard on the past 5 years, I have a feeling that I'm going to die after this production is staged. Yes, I shouldn't think of those morbid things, but I've always had that feeling especially that there were/are a lot of reasons why this production was/is delayed.

Oh well.

Rachelle Ann is BACK as FANTINE!

As Rachelle is back in London for her third stint as the doomed Fantine in Les Misérables, let us look back at her first 2 runs - in London and in the Asian Tour. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

I'm Back!

Almost 5 years after my last entry, I would like to think that I'm back. Crossing my fingers that after this entry, I will have more regular entries later on. When I started this blog a long time ago, I was working as a Virtual Assistant for an Australian company, and a lot of times during my shift, I was free. So instead of sleeping or watching movies online, I decided to start this vlog.

So many things have happened in the past 5 years. My last entry was leaving a company I felt I didn't really fit in. I'm now back to working for the government. Been here for 3 years already. My first job 19 years ago was with the government, and I stayed there for more than 6 years before I transferred to the private sector. After 7 years, I'm back in the service, hopefully for good this time. Or until I am eligible to retire and receive government pension.

I will not talk about the things that happened in the past 5 years that I have not updated this blog, rather the things that's happening and will happen moving forward. 

Hello, 2020!
Hello again, old blog!

The road to forever continues.