Wednesday, August 15, 2012

About to Move On Once Again

Martial law at the office that's slowly leading to turmoil, I am again looking for a new job somewhere else. I am definitely going back to the academe some time at the end of this year, or early next year, but between then and now, I need to feed my family, at least my daughter.

If I'm still here in this company in October, I would be celebrating my third year. Yes, I stayed here for a long time because I loved the company, and I loved the people around. I still do. It's just that our so-called manager has finally shown his dark side. I don't believe he changed. I believe that this is really who he is, and that he just hid it from everyone else before.

I have a bullseye on my back just because he puts malice in everything that's happened in the office. EVERYTHING. And that's a person supposedly "innocent" from the corruptions of society. He's a great example of someone trying to show this to the world, yet unconsciously showing something else.

Yes, actions speak louder than words, and I'm about to do a lot of action with very few words very soon.

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