Saturday, September 11, 2010


My friend was supposed to be the champion in a singing contest in school, but the wrong contestant was "declared" and they're too ashamed to admit it to everyone so they stuck with their decision which I think is BS! The supposed champion was not deserving at all. He sang easy songs, yet he never did justice to those songs, and his voice even cracked trying to desperately reach the high notes, when in fact, it wasn't that high at all.

I am outraged by this since the same thing happened to me when I was in college in the same school. They declared my contestant number but announced the wrong name, and was informed afterwards that I indeed won but it was "too late to correct it."

Livia was the brightest star tonight, and hands down, she was the best singer in the whole competition, but was robbed by the irresponsible organizers. Yes, organizers since they made the blunder and not a single one was willing to admit and correct it in front of everyone. I was running to catch the competition after our rehearsals, and though I was happy to see Livia, I was very disappointed with the results.

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