Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Father First

My 2012 was a blur. Yes, it was a banner year for CTC and for me as a thespian and director, but other than that, it was a blur. I really was not able to achieve anything else and for that, I'm kinda disappointed. I'm also disappointed that in the 365 days that I was given, I was not able to give much of it to my family. I almost took my family for granted, and that is unacceptable. I was so hyped up with performing, and for what? My family is and will always be the most important thing for me, and I was not able to show them that in 2012.

I don't really make resolutions for the new year, and I will not be making one soon, but what I made when the new year started was a promise. A promise to myself that for this year that just started, I will make my family my priority, even if it means not being that active in theatre and music. My daughter is growing up so fast, I may not be able to know her anymore if I keep on prioritizing other things.

For 2013, I will be a father first. Everything else will be secondary.

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