Friday, June 11, 2010

Revisiting P3

In a post not so long ago, I said that I've decided to buy the complete 8 seasons of Charmed so I can watch it again while waiting for new seasons of Smallville, Supernatural, Dexter and Glee in September. I didn't realize the Charmed complete set costs a fortune. The price actually decreased a bit since the very last episode was aired almost 5 years ago, but it still is expensive. Even the used ones in Amazon cost a little over Php 5000, and that is a LOT.

So instead of buying the DVD's, I just decided to watch the episodes online. Yes, it takes time to have it load fully before watching it, but I have a favorite site where it loads fast so it's not that bad. Besides, I get to save a lot of money watching it online than buying the DVD's. All in all, there are 176 episodes, and while I'm typing this blog, I'm watching (yes, multi-tasking) the 30th episode (Season 2, Episode 8) already. Since the series premiered 12 years ago, there are episodes which I remember vaguely and a lot of episodes I didn't remember watching at all, so overall, it's a whole new experience for me.

There are a lot of series that came after Charmed, but only a handful that had the same wonderful storylines, witty script, great acting and an unbelievable rapport of the actors. The banters between the Halliwell sisters are just so fun to watch.

"What did I do? Premonition a man to death?!"
- Phoebe Halliwell

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