Sunday, July 18, 2010

Forever Charmed

After a month and a half, I finally finished the complete 178 episodes of Charmed, that's a total of 8 Seasons! The last episode, the series finale, was just so beautifully written and executed. It was a grand, beautiful and fitting ending to a great show. I was in tears watching the finale, and until now, I still get emotional watching it again and again. It was a difficult episode in terms of production and I can just imagine the editors sleepless nights in doing it, but it was all worth it.

For all of us who were Charmed for 8 years, I would like to share the final 4:36 minutes of the series, a beautiful ending to an amazing story. Spoiler alert for those who haven't seen the series yet, you might want to skip this.. or not.

And although we certainly
had our struggles and heart aches
over the years,
we're a family of survivors
and we will always be.
Which is why we've truly been

-Piper Halliwell

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