Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Charles Basillote (1980-2020)

A week ago (July 8), one of closest friends since Elementary passed away because of this damn COVID-19. It was supposed to be his 13th day at the hospital where he has been conscious and recovering. He was still chatting in our group chat.

And then we saw his brother's FB post.

We will never, ever forget you Charles. I cry all of a sudden when I think back of all the beautiful memories of 29 years. 

Until we meet again.

Monday, July 13, 2020

LIFE in a (Half) DAY | Working from Home

A little glimpse of my life from the time I wake up to after lunch break, working from home since we're still under the longest ECQ in the world.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Fresh Meat Delivery At The Time of ECQ in our City

I featured our Grocery and Fruits Delivery "suki" in a previous video, and today, I featured our Meat Delivery courtesy of Virginia Farms' The Pork Shop. This video is not sponsored, just want to show our little appreciation to them for the hassle-free ordering and delivery, and the clean supply of meat.

For those interested to order and have clean, fresh meat delivered, just send them a message at their Official Facebook Page.