Sunday, February 28, 2021

Portrait of My Love

Since today is the last day of the Love Month, I'd like to share my one take cover of one of my most fave love songs of all time.

May the month of March be better for all of us.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Drip Coffee by Dannah

For the longest time, I've always been a coffee addict.

No. More like a coffee monster. 

Almost everyday, coffee is my water at home. I'd consume a LOT of 3-in-1 coffee in a single day. No, it has no effect on me. I just really love the taste. 

When I started to feel certain things in my body, I immediately thought that it's from too much 3-in-1's, so I slowly shifted to plain black coffee. No sugar, creamer, milk or anything. Just black coffee and water.

Then I shifted to Nescafe Gold. It's a little expensive, but to me it was way better health wise.

Recently, I saw an ad in Facebook, and I became curious and interested. 

I contacted them and had a pack delivered.

It's Drip Coffee. More like instant brewed coffee so it's healthier, and now it has an effect on me, like keeping me up or giving me extra energy to finish some tasks.

This is not sponsored in anyway, just wanted to share that it's really good.

Just waiting for money to come in, so I can order more.

Also planning to try other Drip Coffees so I can hopefully compare them.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

My Top 3 Favorite Face Masks

Since a Face Mask is now a necessity, I'm sharing my top 3 favorite face masks based on comfort, security (how safe it is), and most especially price. I cannot afford those really expensive masks reviewed by YouTubers so I decided to share mine as well. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Christopher Plummer and Edelweiss

Christopher Plummer passed away 2 days ago at the age of 91. He played so many characters, but I will always remember him as Captain von Trapp in The Sound of Music movie opposite Julie Andrews.
Though it wasn't his voice that everyone heard in the movie, his performance of Edelweiss will always be an iconic moment in cinematic history.

Here's my simple tribute to Mr. Plummer.