Monday, May 25, 2009


Today is Memorial Day in the United States, and that meant less calls for the people in call centers. I was looking forward to the long avail time and hoping for a VTO so I went to the office an hour earlier. I was actually planning to visit my grandmother at the hospital (she was admitted the other night because of HB), but since I didn't want to be late for work, I just went straight to the office.

The IBS agents were the priorities in the VTO while us, the CCU, were told that maybe we will have our turn to go on VTO anytime during our shift. Since I was looking forward to it, I made sure I was the first one to log-in. The avail time was heaven. I didn't get my first call until after my first break, that was almost 3 hours of avail time before my first call.

A little later in the shift, VTO was finally offered to CCU. No, I was not the first one to be offered. I was actually not included in the picture when our Coach and the people from Ops talked about it. That was fine, I was hoping but if they didn't want to offer the VTO to me, it's okay. I just kept myself busy so I wouldn't have to think about it. But after letting 3 people from CCU go on VTO already, I was starting to feel kinda bad, especially when Ops said that it was our Coach who gave them the priority list. Two hours before my shift ended, Ops were looking for 2 more of my teammates who were on break. Since those 2 weren't around, they had no choice but to offer it to me and another teammate. I didn't want to accept the offer anymore because it was just a couple of hours before my shift ended but I just decided to accept so I can go home earlier. I still have to go visit my grandma at the hospital later.

I'm now in my room, writing this blog. Do I feel bad? Am I complaining? Nah, I don't have the right to, a little disappointed maybe. Yah, a little disappointed.

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