Monday, March 30, 2009

Proud Papa

My daughter got the Academic Excellence Award for the second straight school year today, her second year in semi-formal education. Last year was sweet because it was her first time, but this year was sweeter because it wasn't easy. She had a stricter teacher this year, and the lessons were... let's just say, lessons that even I needed to read through her books again and again just to help her with her assignments, and she's only six years old.

I wasn't able to control my emotions when I went up the stage with her to get her medal, as tears fell from my eyes. As my daughter said, "I am growing up and Papa is growing old..." I am not yet old, but I am getting older. Time flies so fast, I can still remember when I went up onstage to *ahem* get my medals too.

It was not easy, but she did it again. Hay, I'm so proud to be the father of this little girl. She deserves even a short break so right this moment, while I'm at the office, she's already in Davao with her mom and grandmom. I will hopefully follow them tomorrow after my shift.

Can't wait for our long-postponed vacation! Next time I'll be blogging from Davao del Norte... or is it Davao del Sur? Whatever! As long as I'll be on vacation!

Till then.

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