Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Two weeks before my visit to Manila, we're experiencing a sort of setback: I don't think I will have allowance to bring to Manila.

Well, it's not really a big setback as we already have the tickets and a place to stay, I just thought that I would be so helpless in those days I will be there if I will have nothing in my pocket. How can I see my friends when I won't even have budget for transportation? How can I go to the malls or anywhere else when I won't have resources to even buy snacks?

Our trip to Manila is in-between paydays and I'm sure my pay will already have disappeared on those days when we'll be there because this month, we're paying for my daughter's tuition fee as well as my wife's processings fees for her to be able to go abroad.

Right now, I'm trying to sell my Gameboy Micro, a brand new unit I haven't used yet, and my Nokia 1202. I'm selling them at their original prices because right now, I just need the money.


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