Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One Man Down

Monday is the only day in the week where no one is on day-off, well at least for our team. Monday is the only day in the week where the team is complete. Well, in the past months, a few have resigned and have been replaced by new teammates. At least those who resigned were required to submit a 30-day notice which means they have to work for 30 days before eventually leaving the company.

Last night, we were one man down. It was something that was coming a long time ago, we just didn't know it was yesterday. One of the pioneer members of the team got terminated there and then. He was informed that he was terminated and that he would no longer be allowed to come in later that night for his supposed shift. He got terminated because he failed in quality a lot of times already, the most recent was his 4th straight pay period. I failed in quality too a couple of months ago, two pay-periods in a row that's why I was given an FA.

It's really sad seeing the team slowly breaking apart after our Coach going through hell and back just to keep it together. It's breaking my heart thinking about how my now ex-teammate is going to do. He's separated from his wife, he has 3 young kids, and his present girlfriend is also our teammate and is pregnant. It's so sad because he got terminated when the quality standards of the account is not yet fixed and stable. Every week, there is a new update, a change in the quality standard since our new account is not yet etched in stone with our company. What we would have wanted was to give our ex-teammate (and others who have either been transferred or terminated) the chance to redeem himself and work on his quality. Hey, he's a professional and is an experienced one at that. He would not have been promoted to be an account supervisor if he was just an ordinary agent taking calls. Too late for those though since he's no longer with us.


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