Monday, August 24, 2009

Manage.. er...

The only things allowed on the production floor at work are jackets (or sweaters), spill-proof mugs, and hard candies. Any other things are a no-no on the floor, especially pens, pouches and papers. Even wallets, those big ones, are not allowed.

Every shift, I'm known by my officemates to bring a few candies which I always put on the left side of my station while my mugs (I have two) are at the right. I'm kinda O.C. so everything is always in place. That has been ever since I started working here a year and three months ago.

Until last night.

The office, or at least some of the managers, have this habit of cramming. They are more reactive than proactive. And because there are clients who will be visiting the office on Tuesday and Wednesday, the managers, or we call them TLs although they don't really function as a TL because first and foremost, they don't have teams, they're called as such but their function is more on the operations side of production, did a cramming floor-sweep. The cleaned the production floor from all the papers, clutters, lost mugs, and other stuff. It was okay, that's their job although if you ask me, they should be more proactive and do the floor sweep everyday or regularly so as not to panic and cram if there are visitors. That's the Filipino side of this American company.

What irked me is that while they were sweeping, one of the TLs went to my station, pointed at my candies, just said "candies" and wrote something on her notebook. I asked, "are these not allowed?" and she said, "no".


All of a sudden, something's not allowed, we're not informed about it, and we get punished. Informing concerned personnel is one of the easiest jobs for higher management, yet they still cannot do it well. Or should I say, they cannot do it, period.

I am expecting my name and my "offense" to be included in an email sent to all management officers today, and frankly, I don't care. I've come to a point where I just don't give a damn anymore. I am sorry if I expected too much from our managers. Coming from an institution and a company that had the best managers, I expected too much from this company.

Don't get me wrong. I love the company still. I just hate the account, and I hate a lot of the managers in this account. Most of them got their jobs because of their tenure or because they know to kiss the right asses. They're too young to have real experiences as real managers.


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