Saturday, November 21, 2009

Impacted Again?

I was just editing the songs for our next production this morning when all of a sudden, I felt so much pain from right side of my teeth that the pain immediately went to my head. It was so painful that tears fell from my eyes. I immediately called our company's medical insurance company and asked for names and addresses of the dentists closest to me. Turned out, they were all out of town. The closest who was available was around 20 to 30 minutes away. I immediately left the house in pain.

When the dentist checked my teeth, she said that the probable cause of the pain is a possible impacted third molar, known to many as the wisdom tooth. What?! She must be kidding! It has only been a year since I had surgery, to have my impacted tooth removed. It was VERY painful and VERY expensive, and now this dentist is telling me that I have to have another tooth surgically removed? I told her all about it and she suggested that I get a tooth (or teeth) x-ray to determine if this that's causing the pain is another tooth, or part of the old tooth that was supposedly removed last year.

I will have my x-ray once I get my last pay from my previous employer because I'm just broke now. In the meantime, I'm taking antibiotics and pain relievers.

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