Friday, January 1, 2010


Thank you 2009, for the roller coaster ride. A lot of things, both positive and negative, happened in my life in 2009, and although I have a few regrets, I know I have a chance to make things better this 2010.

This year, I will defy gravity. This year, I'm going to be a New Me. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. Too late for second-guessing, too late to go back to sleep. It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap!

My whole life, I've never had any new year's resolutions. I just thought that I would never be able to keep them for 365 days that's why I never attempted to make even one. This year, I'm going to try it. I will try my very best to keep these resolutions.

1. Spend more time with Family and Friends
2. Exercise often
3. Get out of Debt
4. Take a Trip
5. Minimize soft drinks
6. Go back to God
7. Sing or vocalize at least every other day
8. Clean up my Facebook
9. Organize projects for a cause
10. Don't trust too quickly

Each one of these resolutions will require a lot of discipline, dedication and hard work, and since I've decided that it will be a New Me this 2010, I will do my very best to keep them.

Happy New Year, everyone!


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