Friday, January 15, 2010


Whoa! The festive atmosphere has really hit the streets of Cebu! On a normal day, I get off from work at 10:30 PM, then my regular motorcycle-for-hire suki takes me home. It's a good 10 to 15 minute ride from the office to our place up in the mountains. Tonight, which is not a normal night, I got out from the office 10:30 PM, and I just arrived here at home like 10 minutes ago, so it took us a little more than an hour. Traffic has never been this worst in Cebu, just now that it's our fiesta weekend.

Good thing I'm done with my shift. Good luck to those who are still on their way to work, may they be VERY early in leaving their houses, or may their transportation have wings so they won't be late. I already posted the "announcement" at Facebook, hoping they can read it so they'll have a heads up.

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