Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sister to Daughter

My first official rehearsal went well last night, and I was right, the role is the most challenging ever for me. Yes, I can say it's difficult, but as I've said in my previous post, I will not back down, and one of the reasons is that almost all of my scenes are going to be with my sis, who's playing the role of my daughter in the production. Haha, I know it's kinda weird, and to think that my most emotional scenes and song will be with her. My sister who's 6 years younger than me will be playing my 17 year old daughter in the play! :)

By the way, I only have 2 songs: a duet and a solo. I am fortunate that both songs are very beautiful, and while there's no big problem with the duet, the solo is already difficult in itself, and the more it is with all the emotions needed for that song and scene. I haven't met my alternate yet, but I'm sure he has no problems with everything since he was one of the 2 original actors who played the part last year. The other one is already our producer now. I am also looking forward to rehearsing with my sis' alternate, who's also a very beautiful and talented girl.

It's the magic inside you,
it's the light you bring.
It's the hope you give me,
you're the miracle of living ♥

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