Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Blur

Day 28 of the 30 Day Challenge - This year, in Great Detail

Looking back since the new year started, it has all been a blur. As I enter the 75th day of 2010, I can say that it has been a rollercoaster ride so far. I've had some Up's and I've had some Down's, things that are keeping me on my toes and reminding me that life is not easy and I shouldn't be complacent.

This year, I've also had a lot of realizations, most especially about people, friends who proved themselves to be called such, as well as so-called friends who really were not. I've realized that being colleagues without being friends is possible. It's not something I want, but something others want.

Again, I can't describe my year in great detail, but I can say that it has been an interesting year so far. I'm happy that for all the things that happened, good or not-so-good, I have my family to go home to. They keep me grounded and remind me that despite what others think or say about me, life is still beautiful and I am still loved. Yes, I am not perfect, my life is not perfect, and my year is no where near perfect, but as long as I have my family and friends, real friends, I wouldn't trade this for anything else.

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