Thursday, March 11, 2010


I received an email from our Operations Coordinator and CEO asking (it sounded more like demanding) an explanation where I was towards the end of my shift yesterday when calls were left unanswered. Their email, though asking for an explanation, had the tone that they've already passed judgment on me and accused me of dozing off during my shift. Dozing off? Hello? I've been working for customer service in the graveyard shift for more than 3 years now, and dozing off was never an issue.

Great! The internet connection on my assigned PC suddenly got disconnected, and while I was frantically looking for a solution, my client conveniently sent a ticket to our company's owner, so the company is now blaming me. Six months of working my ass off and doing everything I can to please the company and the client, and I get this.

Hell, it's now my fault that I've been working with an obsolete (read: antique) PC all this time. Why my PC was the only one disconnected is beyond me, but the fact is that it got disconnected and I'm getting the fall for it. I am very much disappointed as I am pissed.

I've already sent a detailed explanation on what happened, and right now I am seriously contemplating on leaving the company. Ever since I've started here, I've always looked at the brighter side, even if things were falling apart around me. I've seen much more people resign from this company in the 6 months that I've been here compared to the previous company I was with for 2 years. Maybe I was just looking the other way before, but now I see why people were/are unhappy here. Maybe I was just fooling myself that everything was okay, and though I tried so hard to share that happiness with my office mates, the negative vibes' just too great.

I can't wait for the weekend to relax. I am feeling unhealthy with all this stress around me. This is really a thankless job.


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